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Will you represent the 27th at the State Convention?

The 2024 Washington State Democratic Convention will be held on June 22, 2024 in Bellevue. Over 1,000 state delegates will be elected by the local Democratic Party organizations in the state’s 49 legislative districts. Delegates to the state convention will nominate the Party’s candidates for Governor and other statewide offices, approve the State Party’s official platform, and conduct other Party business. State convention delegates will also be eligible to attend caucuses in the state’s ten congressional districts, where they will vote on the election of national delegates.

If you are interested in running for delegate, please visit the State Party website for more information. The Washington State Democrats Affirmative Action Committee set Affirmative Action goals for Legislative Districts based on their demographic makeup and the growth trajectory of that district. We strongly encourage candidates who may fall into one of these categories to apply!

Applications are due by March 31, and we will be hosting a meet the candidate opportunity for delegates if we have enough applicants.