Dec 8 Reorganization Meeting


The 2025-2026 Reorganization meeting will occur on December 8 at 3 pm.

The order of business will be as follows:
3pm - Doors Open, Sign In, Weigh in on 2025 priorities

3:30pm - Meeting called to order

At the conclusion of the meeting, members are encouraged to socialize!


The 2025-2026 Reorganization meeting will occur at the Windermere Professional Partners Office, 2212 Mildred St W, University Place.

While this location is outside of the 27th LD, it is a fully ADA accessible space, located on a transit line, with easy parking, and most of all - its free! Longtime 27th LD PCO Anders Ibsen is hosting us. Thank you Anders!

If you have any concerns with getting to and from this venue, please contact Whitney at 206-718-8664.


The State Party’s Charter and Bylaws require that all county and legislative district party organizations elect new officers (a process called “reorganization”) every two years, shortly after each even-year election.

At these reorganization meetings newly elected PCOs elect officers - chair, vice chair, state committee members, etc. Please note that ONLY PCOs who were elected in August are eligible to vote. ALL members are encouraged to attend.

At this time, many of your current board members are planning to return. Those who are not returning are Vice Chair, Secretary, and County Party Liaisons. We have identified members who are interested in serving as Vice Chair and Secretary. If you are interested in serving in any capacity please contact Whitney at 206-718-8664 and we would love to get you involved.